Friday, January 1, 2010

Get The Heck Out 2009

Dear 2009,
I am sure there are some out there will argue that this year has been a wonderful year for them, and while I can say there has been great moments I know I will not remember this year fondly at all. You see 2009 you were a year that threatened to break our family, almost broke my sanity and pushed our family to the brink. 2009 has by far been one of the hardest years of my adult life, it was the year I went faithless for the majority of the year and have struggled to get it back.

2009 you made me so uncomfortable that even the people who could help me most, I think were puzzled with what to do with me next. And while there are no guarantees that 2010 will be better, I do know that 2009 is now gone and that is a comfort. 2009 if only you would have not been such a confrontational, devestating, and just a "ball busting" year and on top of it the recession made things ten times worse to deal with. The only good things that came out 2009 were a new grandchild, a stronger relationship with my twin and a new found bond and a stronger relationship with my oldest-and for those things I am grateful. 2009 you did not have to be so mean you started out with all the promise of other years but quickly decided to turn wicked SIGH so it is with no regreat that I shred your calendar, and to not look back with any longing to the good old days in 2009.

So while I have never been a resolution maker.. I will promise to not become as bitter has you, 2009 pushed me to become. I will not lose the lessons you taught me, but I will not give you credit either. I will not live under the illusion that nothing bad will happen during 2010 but I will not let it get the best of me as you 2009 did. So in closing 2009, get the heck out. GOOD RIDDANCE, and please let the door hit you on the way out.


The Herd said...

hey, I tried to facebook you back, but it's not working on my end.