Monday, August 20, 2007

So I finally figured out how to post picture so I decided to unveil our schoolroom for 2007-2008.

This is in the corner by the window, it is our whiteboard(complete with reminders for the kids and things we have discussed. The magazine racks on the cubbies hold my teachers key one for each kid. The black drawers have papers and craft stuff for our hands on activities. And our table where we do our work

This bookcase houses our Tapestry of Grace binders on the top shelf, our Sister Wendy's painting book, our markers, map pencils and watercolors(we use those almost weekly) The basket contains our CQLA binders and our Bibles. The box with the eagle was done by dh for a co-op project.

This is our bookcase that hold our extra history books and reference section. We use our encyclopedia's a lot. The basket up top holds our history books we will use in the next year, we try not to buy a bunch because we don't have a whole bunch of storage and they tend to get lost in moves. Each years book are put in a big rubbermaid bin for the next go around. This is on the same wall as the black drawer, there is a bookcase in between.

This is the table where some work gets done, most of the work gets done on the futon or the floor. Her is my son pretending to be busy, if you look it is really 5:20 and school has been over for 3 hours but he looks good.

This is the wall of posters. If you look we have a handwriting and fractions how to chart. The shelves with the plastic tubs houses all the kids workbooks, each kid has a tub to put their books in. The big crate on top has all our of our library books in it. The brown paper has our big world map on it. The big thing on the wall is our calendar and if you look the picture is a picture of Grandpa Sparks.

This is the much loved futon and there is one more chrome bookshelf by the stairs that has our geography and science reference books. How many dogs are in this picture?


Nan said...

Nice! :^D

Jessica said...

There are three dogs in the picture?

Very nice room!
:) Jessica

my5wolfcubs said...

Wonderful room! I'm only on my 1st year with TOG but I've been wondering what to do with the books as we finish. Do you put all 3 not-current-year history books in one box or do you use one box per year?

Glad I'm not the only one whose futon mattress is sagging off the frame!


The Mom said...

I use one big box per year! So all my yr.2 books are in one heavy rubbermaid, I do get lots of books from the library but I still have probably 30-40 per year. The binders with my year plan are in the closet with our current year in the bookcase.