Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ancient Literature

This is for my 9th grade student, these are her literature only books. History will still be composed of "living books" but they are many books we will use with history curriculum

First Term
The Golden Goblet
Tales of Ancient Egypt

Second Term
Black Ships Before Troy
The Children's Homer
Hittite Warrior

Third Term
Aesop's Fables
Old Testament Readings (Major to Minor Prophets)

Fourth Term
In Search of a Homeland: The Story of Aeneid
The Bronze Bow
The Lantern Bearers

For a total of 12 novels read, each term lasts 9 weeks, and boy is that tough sometimes. Soemtimes you just want to be done with a history topic, ugh like when we studied the reformation when the prince was in 3rd grade. I asked the little comic to be if he remembered why someone was famous and he said, " Was he one of the burn-ees?" This was only after 2 weeks of the Reformation, we were done the next week. It will be interesting this next year :)


Hidden Jewel said...

Sounds like we will be running the same track this year.

The Herd said...

Way to read!!!