Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well it is over the 2007-2008 school year is done :)

Well the Hindenburg and the school year is done. It is like the project that would never end, kind of like the school year. We worked hard and for the most part we are done, my queen to be has about a week's worth of health to finish plus a project. It honestly is not her fault our printer broke mid-year and have been unable to replace it, so I have forgetten several times to get copies.

We will take a week off and then they will have to do math twice per week. The prince will finish his math book soon (MUS division book) and will move into Saxon 87. DD is trying to finish Zeta and is only a little over half way done but will move into Saxon Alg.1/2, her choice :) Why the switch? My younger one(the chef) needs more variety he is so bored with division and hates that he has to spend a year doing it. My oldest needs to feel confident in her math skills and Saxon is very good at it but she also needs constant review or it goes bye bye and she total forgets the skill. My wacky prince is a little bit of both, he is very good in math but has yet to be taught some fraction skills (even though he picked up quite a bit with the queen's stint of over a year and half in fractions) but also needs the review. Also Saxon can be bought cheaply and is not consumable. So for this season we are going to be a Saxon family.

I am pleased with how their writing has progressed this year. CQLA really improved their writing a lot, it is IEW laid out. The younger two will continue with the writing (mainly because we have it leftover from this year) but older will be going a different avenue. All in all I am very pleased with the progress this year. We are still finalizing 2008-2009 school plans but I am working very hard on it. I am already working on lesson plans for science for the chef, TOG history and Government for the Queen to be. Nothing is completely done and some are barely started.