Thursday, January 10, 2008

Queen To Be's Freshman year tentatively

Well Mrs. Queen will be in high school next year, so I have been thinking very intently on what she will be doing. So far this is my thoughts with high school credit info. attached.

In middle school:
1 credit of general science
.5 credit keyboarding skills

Freshman year
1 credit of Foundations II math (we are finishing up/starting Pre-Algebra combo of MUS and Life of Fred)
.5 credit Governement we (notgrass) she will also required to an election notebook
1 credit Science we are debating between Biology and Physical Science (co-op class)
1 credit Language Arts (CQLA) for one semester and Write your Own Roots for the next
1 credit history we are doing the ancient/Bible time
.5 credit health this is a co-op class

She will also be working on a geography credit, and will be for 3 years so when she is done she will have a credit in geography(this semesters work will give her 1/3 credit)So far that is where she is at, but this is subject to change. Boy they are growing up so fast! Tomorrow is Week in Review day :)


Nora said...

I'm guessing your literature will be coming from TOG?

What science has she had already? Are you doing Apologia? We enjoyed the Physical Science course quite a bit.

Will you be doing any foreign language this year, or saving that for later?

How nice to have a passion at her age.