Saturday, March 8, 2008

Week in Review week 24.... 9 more to go :)

Our week was a busy one we studied Hitler this week as we gear up WWII in our studies. Did I mention I hate studying the World Wars? But as soon as we get through this the quicker we will be done. This week we gathered supplies for our big World War II project, we are going to make a paper mache of the Hindenburg. So we made our list and gathered our things. This is our first big paper mache project, excpet for my oldest son who made a naked mole rat last year for a co-op project
Here is our supplies and we will begin shaping tomorrow!

Here is our math for the week:

We had a snow day for co-op yesterday. Guess what I did? Well I napped all morning long after partying all night with Mario Brothers Sunshine, very unhealthy addiction I am sure. So Friday I took a Mario fast and went to bed and 10 am. Snow day! I would like a refund, we maybe got a 1/2 an inch not enough to even bother going out and playing in. Ohhh well maybe next year :)


Ruskin said...

What fascinating papier mache projects!