Saturday, June 21, 2008

Public Service Announcement

Yes I have a public service announcement and I feel it is important. If you have ever thought how cute those sweet little kitties are that have no home so you are just going to feed them a little bit, this is for you! I don't know how it started out and honestly could care less because right now it is a huge huge problem that is out of control.

So I will tell you a little story and you can be the star if you wish. So say you are moving, for the 3rd time in 3 years wait getting off topic, and all you want to do is find a nice central location so dh can easily get to work and not use so much gas. So you find this little duplex that is in your small price range and it is located central and you make sure to even ask about the neighbors(because who wants to live next to nuts-key the music) and they have lived there for 12years and have older kids so no screaming babies all day. Sounds good?

So you being the silly little innocent idiot move in, you adjust to being in smaller quarters and actually comment on how less you have to clean and how it has helped you get rid of junk. Aren't you great? So spring comes and you start to notice a cat or two on the fence that you share with your neighbor, but no big deal it gives you terrior mix something to chase. As it gets warmer you notice more and more cats, and one seems to be getting larger. So you make an excuse to talk to with the lady, and ask her about all the cats (now numbering 5 with a male visitor that likes to wrestle in your front yard during dinner UGH). She takes her through her urine aromaed house complete with 2 indoor former feral cats, who obviously are litter box challenged. She tells you all about the wild things and then you casual mention Feral Friends, that will fix them for free you just have to trap them. She then explains how she can't bare to trap them, the look they would give her would break your heart. (Key the twilight zone music at this point)

Yep you got a problem, and you didn't even suspect it did you! So fast forward two weeks and your dd comes down all excited and tell you there has been a liter of at least 5 kittens born (yep you are now neighbor to a total of 12 cats). Well at this point they are staying on their side of the fence, but you are spraying your lawn with flea stuff, and you are never a day late on the flea treatment (the stuff you have used for 3 years that works great). Another week goes by and your dd comes down and tell you she sees more kittens four so far, yep you are now neighbor to 16 cats. With in the next month she comes down two more times with kitten announcements, that she no longer thinks are neat, for a total of 10 more cats making your grand total of cats 26 with an additional nasty male that has taken up with them. 27 CATS!!! 27 CATS

So you frantically call the Animal Control people to explain this and they come out and knock and knock on the door, you know this because you are looking out the peep hole. They don't answer the door!!! They are home you hear them, they are home! But ohhh man AC leaves. Dear you have a problem, you look over and notice your dauschund itcing and your terrior itching too. Your try to deny there is a problem but don't you are losing precious time. Your indoor cat now has flies, so you frantically bath them, to only get rid of the fleas on them. Dear you have a big big problem!

This is your public service announcement if you are the person on the other side of the fence. Spay or neuter your cats!(feral orginazation will do it for free) The will multiply, and if you feed them they will multiply in your yard, and yes you will get fleas and Merry Christmas your neighbors will too(making you very unpopular with them and considering they didn't do it the target of numerous calls to the landlord for help)! Feeding that harmless cat means it is yours and it your issue that you have harmless inflicted on yourself. No matter how cute it is make the committment to adopt it or call AC and they will put it up for adoption. This is not a victimless "crime" my two dogs and indoor cat who has not been outside in 3 years can tell you otherwise if you don't believe me and I can tell you because I too have been bit and itch for hours swearing there is another on me(of course this always happens at about 12am keeping me up to 2am).

So remember the moral of my tale, that I am living, SPAY AND NUETER YOUR FREAKIN' PETS OR KEEP THEM INSIDE that is all :)


Anonymous said...

Hope things are going a little better today, and the situation gets cleared up quickly. I feel for you.

The Herd said...

You are HILARIOUS!!!! Ok, we hear you--thankfully, we don't have any pets--nope not even a fish anymore!!